Help! My Child is Experiencing Tooth Sensitivity

Caring for kids teeth is not easy because the child may be unable to tell you exactly what they are feeling. This is especially true of tooth sensitivity issues that the little one may not be able to describe accurately. What you can do is track when the child feels discomfort and see if you can associate it with cold or hot foods.

The best option is to head to your children’s dentist and let the expert identify the issue. However, it does help to know what could cause tooth sensitivity and what you can do about it at home.


Get to the root!

Did you know that there could be myriad reasons why your child experiences teeth sensitivity?

Cavity or loose filling

Some parents overlook aspects of their kids oral health simply because they do not know what to watch out for. In such cases, the child can develop cavities that result in extreme sensitivity in specific places. If you notice white spots on their teeth that darken slowly, that could be a cavity. The more the nerve gets exposed through the cavity, the higher the degree of sensitivity the child experiences. Regular visits to the children’s dentist ensure that such problems do not occur.

Sinus infection

Suppose the child is experiencing sensitivity on the upper jaw portion or in the gums of the upper teeth. In that case, it could be infected sinuses causing it. Pressure in the sinus passages can make the gums sore and also cause the nerves to be vulnerable to sensitivity.

Chip or crack

Bruxism or grinding/ gnashing teeth is not an adult problem. Kids can suffer from it too. Their teeth may develop chips and cracks, leading to sensitive teeth. If you have a regular dentist caring for kids teeth at scheduled appointments, they will spot such damage and tell you how to correct it.

New teeth coming in

Even the natural process of losing baby teeth and getting permanent ones can result in teeth sensitivity. The place where the new tooth is emerging is typically highly sensitive.


What to do in the moment

Tooth sensitivity can put the child off food, make them irritable and even ruin their sleep. You can take immediate, effective action to make the child more comfortable. Use a cold compress over the affected area for instant relief.

Warm peppermint tea bags against the affected area help as well. Dip the bag in hot water and then let it come down to a manageable warmth before placing it against the sensitive area.

A salt water rinse also eases up the pain in many cases. It works as a disinfectant, dislodges stuck food particles, and cleans out wounds, if any. Parents can use over-the-counter pain relief, too, that has been prescribed by the dentist previously. Else, you can call in and check what can be given.

Do not put off visiting the children’s dentist. Make an appointment as soon as possible and let the expert take charge of your kids oral health. Sudden tooth pain/ sensitivity may indicate underlying problems like tooth decay or damage that need emergency treatment.


Prevent the ouch!

It is also helpful to know the various methods of controlling sensitivity in children’s teeth. The dentist may adopt one or more of the following:

Dental sealant procedure

A hard plastic coat that covers the pits and grooves on the teeth to prevent food debris from getting in and staying there. The dental sealant procedure also gives added protection to the tooth enamel, preventing it from eroding. Since it can last for years, the dental sealant procedure is a safe, painless way to address your child’s tooth sensitivity for a long time.

Fluoride treatment

Fluoride helps restore and repair the enamel covering. Using fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash is a simple way to adopt this treatment method. The dentist may also recommend a gel or fluoride treatment at the clinic, depending on what will suit the child best.

Switch to sensitive oral hygiene products

Pick oral hygiene products like toothpaste, mouthwash, and toothbrush that are designed for sensitive teeth. Avoid worsening a mild problem into a condition that requires an emergency dentist visit.

Proper brushing

Brushing too hard can strip the enamel and leave teeth sensitive. Supervise the child when they brush to ensure they are not applying too much pressure.

Limit sweet consumption

When sugar remains in the mouth, bacteria thrive. Limit sugary foods and ensure the child does not go to sleep without cleaning their teeth after having sweet foods or drinks at night. Getting them to rinse thoroughly after eating sugary foods is a simple technique too.



While caring for kids teeth can present challenges, paying suitable attention at the right time can go a long way in preventing teeth problems like sensitivity. If you are in doubt about what’s right and what’s not, check in with your pediatric dentist at the next kids oral health appointment. Contact Woodlawn Kids Dental today for more information!

Healthy Snacks = Healthy Teeth

Woodlawn Kids Dental weighs in on nutrition and snacks that impact children’s oral health. (Source: Cleveland Clinic, Nutrition and Your Child’s Dental Health, ).


When you talk about kids oral health, it is necessary to discuss nutrition too. Good nutrition and the right kind of foods help the child maintain oral health and a great smile. Cleveland Clinic experts point out that all major food groups must be included in the child’s diet. However, it is essential to know which ones can damage the kids oral health. Cleveland Clinic highlights the main culprit – carbs that stay on the teeth for too long.


Woodlawn Kids Dental children’s dentist agrees with this completely, elaborating, “Carbs remaining in the mouth, over the teeth surface prompt bacterial action. The bacteria eat away the enamel, the safe covering over the teeth. With this safety covering gone, the bacteria can now attack the teeth directly, damaging them and causing cavities. Excessive plaque requires professional dental cleaning to remove.”


What can you do about it? Cleveland Clinic experts offer solutions that can avert the need for dental cleaning. They suggest giving the child healthy snacks in place of carbs, which means fruits and vegetables. They underline the goodness of fruits and veggies with high water content.


Woodlawn Kids Dental adds, “Going for fibrous fruits can help not just with digestion but also your teeth. These clean your teeth and also improve saliva production, which is great for kids oral health. Good options for fibrous fruits are apples and oranges. With veggies too, look for fibre-rich ones like carrots or greens.” Children’s dentist points out that these have essential nutrients, plus they also help keep your teeth clean.


What to avoid is as important as what to eat, say Cleveland Clinic experts. They caution against sticky edibles like figs, granola bars, raisins, and honey. Since they are sticky, the saliva cannot completely wash them away when they coat the tooth. Again, only a thorough dental cleaning may help strip the teeth of these harmful foods.


According to Woodlawn Kids Dental children’s dentist, “If your kids have a craving for sweets, let them eat chocolate instead of sticky gums and candies. Chocolate satisfies the urge and washes out of the mouth far more easily.”


The timing of sweet foods also matters a lot. Cleveland Clinic experts point out that post-dinner saliva production is high. Any sugary stuff being eaten at this time may be washed away more easily. If your child craves sweets, post-dinner is a good time.


Woodlawn Kids Dental has a helpful tip you can use with your children. “Choose fruit-based desserts like fruit custards or fruit milkshakes. Ensure the child rinses out their mouth right away after having the dessert. Of course, pre-bedtime kids oral care hygiene routine is mandatory and must never be overlooked,” they caution.


Simply replacing sodas with water can be very helpful in preventing cavities, says the Cleveland Clinic. “Make water more palatable by chilling it in the fridge in the summer. You can also switch to unsweetened fruit juices that are less harmful than sodas,” says Woodlawn Kids Dental. Paying attention to kids oral care and ensuring that the child brushes and flosses correctly is critical, they say.


Contact Woodlawn Kids Dental today to know more about appropriate kids oral care!

Common Dental Issues Found in Kids

Aching teeth, bleeding gums, loose teeth, tooth decay in children, or other dental issues are part and parcel of childhood. This does not mean that you can overlook the seriousness of these in your little one.

Research shows that dental problems can affect a child’s learning and emotional well-being. Addressing these issues in time effectively is as critical as proper kids oral care.

Here’s a quick primer on the kind of common dental problems:


Cavities and tooth decay

Tooth decay in children can happen even with an infant whose first tooth is just beginning to emerge. This is how cavities form. Bacteria in the mouth that love feeding on sugars left behind form clusters. The clusters form a sticky layer called plaque over the teeth. These bacteria keep producing acids that break down the teeth’ enamel and result in cavities.

Preventing tooth decay in children and cavities is easy when you take your little one in for regular dental checkups from the age of six months. Professional dental cleaning by the dentist is effective in removing plaque that simple brushing cannot dislodge.


Suppose your active toddler has had a fall recently, resulting in facial injury. In that case, you may find a tooth turning discoloured a few weeks after. Typically, this happens due to trauma to the tooth that has damaged the blood vessels leading to it. No amount of kids oral hygiene and extra heavy brushing will immediately bring the tooth back to its original state. Usually, it gets better on its own in a few weeks.

If you find a discoloured tooth that is not improving, watch for signs of pain or swelling. This will tell you whether the tooth is getting infected. Schedule a dental checkup soon so your dentist can assess the damage and do the needful.

Tooth sensitivity

A very common problem, sensitivity can even arise due to excessive, harsh brushing. Other reasons could be some damage to the tooth that has exposed the nerve endings. Sometimes, decay also causes sensitivity. A quick kids oral care appointment at the dentist should tell you why the tooth is sensitive and what can be done about it.

Gum disease

Improper or ineffective kids oral hygiene routine is the most common cause of gum disease. Allowing plaque to build near the gum line gives the bacteria access to this sensitive area, resulting in gum infection. If left unchecked, gum disease can destroy the bones supporting the tooth and cause tooth loss. In the early stages, this is called gingivitis, which may manifest as bleeding gums.

Regular dental checkups and scheduled dental cleaning are simple ways to prevent this kind of outcome.

Orthodontic issues

Genetic factors may cause your child’s teeth to be misaligned. Other factors can cause orthodontic issues, meaning the child’s teeth are not perfectly aligned. Whether the teeth are too widely spaced or the child has an overbite or underbite, these can affect overall tooth health, jaw alignment, and other aspects. An orthodontic appointment by the time the child is around seven years of age helps address these problems correctly.



Kids oral care done in a timely fashion helps avert some dental problems and prevent others that can affect the child’s quality of life. Diligently schedule dentist appointments for your child, wherein simple procedures like dental cleaning can keep a host of issues at bay. Add to this a proper kids oral hygiene daily routine, and you can bid goodbye to your child’s teeth problems!

Oral Health Tips for Ages 7 to 12 Years Old

Ensuring proper kids’ oral care is essential from an early age. Infants whose teeth are just emerging needs care to ensure that the teeth grow healthy and remain decay-free. Now, the ages 7 to 12 are the critical ones when it comes to dental care for children. This is the age when permanent teeth start growing.

Taking dental care seriously at this stage prevents poor positioning of teeth, problems caused by decay or damage, and other issues. Establishing good oral health practices at this age lets you give the child a lifetime of excellent dental health. Here’s what you can do.


Prevent unhealthy habits

This is the time to prevent unhealthy habits from becoming the child’s way of life. The common mistakes made are as follows:

Snacking on/ drinking sugary stuff

Sucking lollipops or hard candies or just eating too much sugary stuff can be the worst thing for your child’s teeth. The crunching action can damage the tooth while sugar coats the teeth, making a thriving environment for bacteria to start eating into the teeth. Drinking sugar-loaded juices and sodas coats teeth with sugar too. Ask your children’s dentist for healthier alternatives.

Chewing on hard items

Chewing on pencil ends, a common childhood habit introduces bacteria into the mouth. The chewing action itself abrades the enamel and makes the tooth vulnerable to cavities. If the item is too hard, the child could crack a tooth too. Crunching ice cubes left at the bottom of a glass of soda or juice also have the same potential for damage.

Using teeth as tools

Many adults do this too, and watching them makes kids resort to using their teeth to open snacks, beverages, packages, etc. This can loosen the tooth in its position and also damage the tooth enamel or the tooth itself.

Playing contact sports without protection

A mouth guard protects the child’s teeth in case of falls. Even a seemingly minor injury to the face can result in a cracked or chipped permanent tooth. Young kids should know that high-intensity activities and sports can potentially harm their teeth permanently. This can be prevented by wearing a mouth guard without fail.


Top oral health tips for ages 7-12 years old

Your children’s dentist can recommend tips for kids oral care to maintain excellent dental health. Here are some ideas they may suggest:

Brush twice

Teach your child how to brush properly to cover all surfaces of the teeth. Make sure they know to brush for a full two minutes with just enough pressure to ease out all the food debris and not more. Supervise the child’s brushing until they have learned to do it perfectly on their own.


Plaque is difficult to get out of the crevices between the teeth. Flossing helps achieve this. Flossing just once at night every day can help prevent cavities.

Rinse after meals

After every meal time, set up a rinsing schedule so the child washes out all the food particles in the mouth. Rinsing after drinking sugary kinds of food items is a great way to keep the sugar from coating teeth too.



Schedule periodic visits to the children’s dentist and diligently follow the dentist’s advice about which kids oral care products to use for your little one. This helps you maintain their teeth in perfect condition right from the age when their permanent teeth come in. Contact Woodlawn Kids Dental today!