Missing Teeth and What You Need to Know

Missing Teeth and What You Need to Know

Let’s face it – Missing teeth in children is not the most fun topic to talk about! However, it is an important discussion for kids’ oral health and should not be ignored.

In this blog post, Woodlawn Kids Dental will provide you with some critical information about Oligodontia and the best ways to navigate the issue. We will do this by analyzing the article – Kids and Missing Teeth—What Every Parent Should Know – written by Lynda Lin Grigsby and sharing our opinions on it. (Source: Parents, Kids and Missing Teeth—What Every Parent Should Know, by Lynda Lin Grigsby, medically reviewed by Wendy L. Hunter, M.D., January 22, 2023, https://www.parents.com/health/dental/kids-and-missing-teeth-what-every-parent-should-know/ ).

So, let’s get started!

Facts about Oligodontia

The original article talks about Oligodontia, which is one of the three types of teeth agenesis. Lynda Lin Grigsby shares that Oligodontia is a genetic condition in which more than six teeth are absent. It is a rare dental disorder affecting only 1% of the population.

Woodlawn Kids Dental agrees to this and shares that “Oligodontia is a rare dental condition where a person is born with only a few teeth or may not have any permanent teeth. The name is derived from two Greek words, “Oligo,” meaning “few,” and “Dontia,” meaning “teeth.”

Woodlawn Kids Dental further adds, “children suffering from this condition can face problems like speech problems or difficulty chewing. So, if someone in your family has this condition and your child is facing similar issues, it is wise to discuss it with an experienced children’s dentist.”

Oligodontia in children – how to know if your child is suffering from this condition?

In the original article, Lynda Lin Grigsby shares that children develop their first set of teeth, also known as primary teeth, by age three. However, these baby teeth begin to fall and make for permanent teeth between the ages of five and six. All 32 permanent teeth, excluding wisdom teeth, appear by the ages of 12 to 14.

So, if your child has certain teeth missing or some of their baby teeth have not fallen out, visiting a children’s dentist is ideal.

Woodlawn Kids Dental agrees to this and shares, “making regular visits to a pediatric dentist is essential for your kids oral health. Further, a dental checkup and a panoramic X-ray can help detect Oligodontia sooner rather than later.”

Woodlawn Kids Dental also adds, “it is natural for your child to feel anxious during their first dental checkup and X-ray. So, be sure to be patient with them.”

What are the right time and the best way to treat Oligodontia?

According to Lynda Lin Grigsby, parents should empower themselves with ample research on the condition if the children’s dentist has detected Oligodontia. The disorder can be corrected with the help of dental implants.

However, young patients should wait till they reach complete facial growth before receiving a permanent solution. 

Woodlawn Kids Dental supports this and further includes, “if left undetected or untreated, Oligodontia can cause serious dental issues. For example, it can negatively impact jawbone growth, affect facial features, and take a toll on your children’s speech and chewing abilities.”


So, that was all about Oligodontia – what it is and how it can affect your kids oral health. To conclude, Woodlawn Kids Dental shares, “teeth are one of the essential parts of our bodies. They impact not only our speech, chewing, and smile but also our facial appearance and confidence. Thus, detecting conditions like Oligodontia as soon as possible is important. Take your children to a regular dental checkup to care for their teeth and precious smile.”

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